This faulter, but he must have been that amused to let it slip. It.” His tone broke in its audible shift. Was heard over the sound of Goth walking away. A flash of heat and tingling went from his feet to the top of The back of the couch, was thrown over his head. Head sharply, about to protest to how he was roughly handled, butīefore a word came from his mouth the duvet cover that normally sat on Palette and dropped him on the empty side with ease. Goth had stopped at the back side of the couch. Of the room as to give unblockable space for any traffic to flow Glasses so they didn’t fall off his face. Mr Error was sitting on the couch playing with his tabletĪnd outright ignoring a program on the television. When his walking leveled back out he pulled away to look and

Handling most of it, but not all of the light.Īt all for Palette to hear and sense that Goth was headed down the He buried his head into Goths shirt, trying He was lucky that theĬold feeling had subsided. Savage beast would make any monster blush over. His head hurt, he was dizzy, and let’s add the feeling of a Mind focusing on something else, and it was beginning to piss him offĪgain. He wonderedĪbout it, but the still rising temperature in his whole body had his Like always, but he could feel Goths sense of urgency. I couldn’t find images of these people, but there ya go. Multi-house : Is a sort of orphanage or foster home type place that is in my to do comics list for Nerd and jock.Īlso with Error the names of the gang he hung out with are names I plucked off his wiki. It is meant to tei up the story and explain how everyone knew eachother to start with. In this part guys I have given Error Ink, and a mess of others a sort of Back story. Nerd and Jock by read the NOTE TO READERS part in part 1. Wish my next cake was so tye dyeĪrtwork is mine and isn’t finished cause its too cold and my ipad doesn’t like cold. more art here at Ryu’s undertale au Abletale askabletalecrew palette!sans goth!sans nekophy angexci palettes birthday palette roller birthday party drink child Check out that cake. Undertale/ - Pop - Drago and Ryu are all Proxy and my own. “Notice me senpai! Im right here! JUST NOTICE ME!” We hope to see more of your work and more of the inspiration that is Palette.Īlso Note is it just me or did we accidentally made Goth look like he’s mentally saying. Hope all has been epic this past year with your skelly-son. Ryu (from is clapping for Palette and congratulating him.ĭrago (aka the guy in the top corner) is wondering how Palettes scarf is moving when there all in a house and no wind. (Blurr see’s through Pop’s eyes.) “You better leave that cake alone Ryu took all day making it. Blurr maybe blind Pop but he see’s what your doing. Pop/the dog, is being sneaky and trying to steak some cake. We asked you to bring Goth, so glad the two of you could come!. We here at Abletale wanted to throw you a party.