His ultimate Run It Back allows him to push a plant site and kill one or two enemies before teleporting back to his initial location with all his health restored. Like Viper, Phoenix puts up a wall that blocks enemies’ sight and has a Molotov like Brimstone to stop enemies from pushing in. He has unique flame abilities that can be used to win a round all by yourself.

If you plan to go solo, Phoenix is one of the most self-sufficient agents on Valorant.

We also suggest that you play ranked games with 2-3 friends so you can plan some starts each round and win games easier. While some characters look solid on paper, we opt to include agents that fit well with the game’s current meta and how Valorant is generally played during ranked matches. This list will be composed of agents that will go well with other characters and not spot-on solo carries like Reyna. Today, we will talk about the best Valorant agents to play in 2021 that we think has the most advantage in averaged ranked matches. You should also know which agents to pick that would blend in with the other agents on your team.
If you want to rank up fast in Valorant, you should study the abilities of your agent to maximize his/her full potential. Currently, there are sixteen agents available for players to use in the game. What players love the most about Valorant is the agents with unique abilities that can help you gain an advantage over your opponent and win the game. Are you looking for the best Valorant agents to play in 2021 to climb the rankings fast?